浏览量: 更新日期:2018-12-1212月11日,应beat365中文官方网站邀请,新加坡知名运筹学专家孟凡文博士以“PATIENT FLOW AND WORKLOAD MAPPING AT EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT”为题,为学院本科生带来了一场精彩的学术报告。报告由学院党委副书记赵杰主持,2016级部分本科生到场聆听。
Dr. Meng Fanwen is working as operations research specialist at Department of Health Services & Outcomes Research of National Healthcare Group, Singapore. Dr. Meng obtained a PhD in operations research (OR) from National University of Singapore (NUS). Prior to joining National Healthcare Group, he worked in NUS and the University of Southampton in UK on problems concerning operations planning and management in deterministic or uncertain environments. His research interests include capacity planning, resource allocation/scheduling in hospital, medical decision making, robust optimization, logistics and supply chain management. Some of his research work has been published in leading OR journals like Operations Research, Mathematics of Operations Research, SIAM Journal on Optimization, and Mathematical Programming.