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王宜举,教授,博士生导师,beat365中文官方网站院长。beat365中文官方网站“数学”一级学科博士点和12.5山东省特色学科“运筹学与控制论”方向带头人,中国科学院博士,香港理工大学和南京师范大学博士后。主要从事最优化的理论与算法研究,发表有一定学术影响力的论文80多篇,部分成果被应用于弹性力学、信号处理、神经网络和支持向量机研究。主持(完成)3项国家自然科学基金、2项教育部科研基金、2项山东省自然科学基金和1项山东省研究生教育创新计划项目, 参与完成2项国家自然科学基金。获教育部中国高校自然科学二等奖2项,山东省自然科学二、三等奖各1项。多次到香港城市大学、香港理工大学和科廷大学(澳大利亚)进行学术访问和交流。在科学出版社出版全国运筹学专业研究生通编教材《非线性最优化理论与方法》一部,该书先后被复旦大学、厦门大学、山东大学重庆大学天津大学大连理工大学、北京交通大学中南大学、广西大学杭州电子科技大学苏州大学、青岛大学哈尔滨师范大学、桂林电子科技大学、重庆师范大学等20多所高校定为研究生教材或专业参考书。先后被重庆大学、北京交通大学和重庆师范大学聘为主讲教师为该校运筹学专业的研究生和博士生讲授《最优化方法》。2007年,作为班主任全面负责中国数学规划分会主办的全国首届“优化理论与应用”暑期学校。2014年,享受国务院特殊津贴,2017年被授予济宁市“五一”劳动奖章。  


通讯地址: 山东省日照市, beat365中文官方网站, 276800

联系电话: 0633-3980468


专 业:运筹学、管理学

研究方向:最优化理论与方法,张量优化, 库存管理



● 2014, 国务院特殊津贴专家
● 2017, 山东省优秀科技工作者
● 2017, 济宁市“五一”劳动奖章











● 2017.1―2020.12,数据挖掘中的稀疏张量优化方法研究, 国家自然科学基金.

2012.12015.12,张量分解方法及其在医学成像中的应用, 国家自然科学基金.



2007.122009.12,多项式优化的理论与算法研究, 教育部归国留学基金.

2019.11-2022.11运筹学专业研究生问题驱动型教学模式探究,——以《最优化方法》课程为例, 山东省研究生教改项目。

2010.122013.12,校校联合、校企合作,创建运筹学专业研究生培养新模式, 山东省研究生教育创新计划项目.






2007, 变分不等式与互补问题的非内点和投影算法研究, 教育部中国高校科学技术奖(自然科学)二等奖.




编   委:Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing,2013——.

客座主编Journal of Industrial Management and Optimization, 2007,4(3).

          Asia-Pacific Journal of Operations Research,2019, 36(2). 


  1. 王宜举,修乃华,非线性最优化理论与方法,科学出版社, 2012年1月第一版,2016年1月第二版,2019年1月第三版,第12次印刷. 《非线性最优化理论与方法》习题解答

  2. 邵伟,王宜举,概率论与数理统计,中国科技大学出版社,2017. 概率论与数理统计习题解答

  3. Yiju Wang,On the block independence in reflexive inner inverse and M-P inverse of block matrix, SIAM J Matrix Anal Appl,19(1998)407-415.

  4. Gguogang Gao,Yiju Wang,Huishan Zhou,Star chromatic numbers of some planar graphs,J Graph Theory,27(1998)33-42.

  5. Yiju Wang,Naihua Xiu,Changyu Wang,Unified framework of extragradient-type methods for pseudo monotone variational inequalities, J Optim Theory Appl,111 (2001)641-656.

  6. Yiju Wang,Naihua Xiu,Changyu Wang,A new version of extragradient method for variational inequalities,Comput Math Appl,42(2001)969-979.

  7. 王宜举,王长钰,A descent method for complementarity problems, 运筹学学报, 5(2001).

  8. Yiju Wang,ChangyuWang,NaihuaXiu,A family of super-memory gradient projection methods for constrained optimization,Optim, 51(2002)889-905.

  9. 王宜举, 变分不等式问题的一个外梯度投影算法,计算数学,24(2002).

  10. Yiju Wang,Naihua Xiu,Jianzhong Zhang,Modified extragradient-type method for variational inequa lities and verification of the existence of solutions,J Optim Theory Appl, 119(2003)167-183.

  11. M.A.Noor,Yiju Wang,Naihua Xiu,Some projection methods for variational inequalities, Appl Math Comput,137(2003)423-435.

  12. 王长钰,夏尊铨,王宜举,梯度投影算子的广义陡度引理及其应用,数学学报,46(2003) 251-260.

  13. Yiju Wang,Wenyu Sun,Theoretical and numerical comparison on double projection methods for variational inequalities, System Science and Complexity, 16 (2003).

  14. Naihua Xiu, Yiju Wang,Xiangsun Zhang, Modified fixed-point equations and related iterative methods for variational inequalities, Comput Math Appl, 2004,47(6/7):913-920.

  15. Yiju Wang,Houchun Zhou,Changyu Wang,A regularization Newton method for mixed complementa- rity problems,ACTA Math Scientia, 24(2004)376-384.

  16. Yiju Wang,Fengming Ma,Jianzhong Zhang,A nonsmooth L-M method for solving the generalized nonlinear complementarity problem over a polyhedral cone,Appl Math Optim, 52(2005)73-92.

  17. Yiju Wang,Xinzhen Zhang,Liqun Qi, Unconstrained optimization reformulation of the generalized complementarity problem,Optim,54(2005)563-577.

  18. Xinzhen Zhang,Fengming Ma,Yiju Wang,A Newton-type algorithm for generalized linear complementarity problem over a polyhedral cone, Appl Math Comput, 169 (2005)388-401.

  19. Yiju Wang,Liqun Qi,On the successive supersymmetric rank-1 decomposition of higher-order supersymmetric tensors,Numer Linear Alge Appl,14(2007)503- 519.

  20. Chuanwei Wang,Yiju Wang,Chuanliang Xu,A projection method for a system of nonlinear monotone equations with convex constraints,Math Method Oper Res, 66(2007)33-46.

  21. Guyan Ni,Yiju Wang, On the best rank-1 approximation to higher-order symmetric tensors, Math Computer Model,46(2007)1345-1352.

  22. Xinzhen Zhang,Hefeng Jiang,Yiju Wang,A smoothing Newton method for generalized nonlinear complementarity problem over a polyhedral cone,J Comput Appl Math,212(2008)75-85.

  23. Liqun Qi,Yiju Wang,Ed X.Wu,D-eigenvalues of diffusion kurtosis tensors,J Comput Appl Math221(2008)150-157.

  24. Liqun Qi,Fei Wang,Yiju Wang,Z-eigenvalue methods for a global polynomial optimization problem, Math Program,118(2009)301-316.

  25. Chuanwei Wang,Yiju Wang, A superlinearly convergent projection method for constrained systems of nonlinear equations,J Global Optim,40(2009)283-296.

  26. Hongchun Sun,Yiju Wang,Liqun Qi,Global error bound for the generalized linear complementarity problem over a polyhedral cone,J Optim Theory Appl,142(2009) 417-429.

  27. Yiju Wang,Liqun Qi,Xinzhen Zhang,A practical method for computing the largest M-eigenvalue of a fourth-order partially symmetric tensor, Numer Linear Alge Appl,16(2009)589-601.

  28. Fengming Ma,Yiju Wang,Hongge Zhao,A potential reduction method for the generalized linear complementarity problem over a polyhedral cone, J Ind Manag Optim, 6(2010)259-267.

  29. 王宜举,一类齐次多项式优化问题的一个全局优化算法,应用数学学报, 33(2010) 328-327.

  30. Yiju Wang,G.L.Zhou,L.Caccetta,W.Q.Liu, An alternative Lagrange-dual based algorithm for sparse signal reconstruction, IEEE Tran Signal Proces,59(2011) 1895-1901.

  31. Haibin Chen,Yiju Wang, A family of higher-order convergent iterative methods for computing the Moore–Penrose inverse,Appl Math Comput,218(2011) 4012- 4016.

  32. 魏涛,王宜举,华国伟,带全量价格折扣的供应商最低免费用订货批量研究,中国管理科学,20 (2012),70-77.

  33. Hongchun Sun,Yiju Wang,Further Discussion on the error bound for generalized LCP over a polyhedral cone,J Optim Theory Appl, 159(2013)93-107.

  34. 王宜举,孟凡秀, 基于价格折扣的有条件延期支付策略研究,控制与决策,29(2014),1413-1418.

  35. Yiju Wang, Liqun Qi, Shunlong Luo and Yi Xu, An alternative steepest direction method for optimiza tion in evaluating geometric discord, Pac J Optim, 10(2014),137-149.

  36. Yiju Wang,Louis Caccetta,Guanglu Zhou,Convergence analysis of a block improvement method for polynomial optimization over unit spheres,Numer Linear Alge Appl, 22(2015),1059-1076.

  37. Yiju Wang Wanquan Liu Louis Caccetta,Guanglu Zhou,Parameter selection for nonnegative l1 matrix/tensor sparse decomposition, Oper Res Let, 43(2015) 423-426.

  38. Yiju Wang,Xuefang Sun,Fanxiu Meng, On the conditional and partial trade credit policy with capital constraints: a Stackelberg model, Appl Math Model,40(2016) 1-18.

  39. Yiju Wang,Guanglu Zhou,Louis Caccetta, Nonsingular H-Tensor and its Criteria,J Ind Manag Optim,12(2016),1173-1186.

  40. Kaili Zhang,Yiju Wang, An H-tensor based iterative scheme for identifying the positive definiteness of multivariate homogeneous forms, J Comput Appl Math, 305(2016)1-10.

  41. Yiju Wang,Kaili Zhang,Hongchun Sun,Criteria for strong H-tensors,Front Math China,11(2016) 577-592.

  42. Min Sun,Yiju Wang, J.Liu,Generalized Peaceman-Rachford splitting method for multi-block separable convex programming with applications to robust PCA,Calcolo54(2017)77-94.

  43. Yiju Wang,Guanglu Zhou,A hybrid second-order method for homogenous polynomial optimization over unit aphere,J Oper Res Soc China, 5(2017)99-109.

  44. Yiju Wang,Hengxia Gao,Wei Xing,Optimal replenishment and stocking strategies for inventory mechanism with a dynamically stochastic short-term price discount,J Global Optim, 70(2018):27-53.

  45. Haibin Chen,Yiju Wang,High-order copositive tensors and its applications,J Appl Anal Comput,8(2018)1863-1885.

  46. Qiuling Hou,Jinxin Zhang,Liming Liu,Yiju Wang,Ling Jing,Discriminative information based nonparallel support vector machine, Signal Proces, 162(2019)169-179

  47. Qiuling Hou,Yiju Wang,Ling Jing,Haibin Chen,Linear Discriminant Analysis Based on Kernel-Based Possibilistic C-Means for Hyperspectral Images,IEEE Geos Remote Sensing Let,16(2019)1259-1263.

  48. Yiju Wang,Wei Xing,Hengxia Gao,Optimal ordering policy for inventory mechanism with a stochastic short-term price discount,J Ind Manag Optim, 16(2020)1187-1202.

  49. Yiju Wang, Manman Dong, Yi Xu,A sparse rank-1 approximation algorithm for high-order tensors,Appl Math Let,102(2020)106140.

